Generate Links

Create links to Whatnot products, shows, searches and more. You can make links on, from’s app, or directly on Whatnot’s website.

Once you have your unique affiliate link, share it with your followers in your articles, blog posts, stories, websites, or wherever you prefer!

How To

    1. On your partner account dashboard, in the right-hand column, locate the CREATE AND SHARE LINK widget.

    2. From the [Drop-down list], select Whatnot Affiliates.

    3. Enter any URL to Whatnot, including a category page, search result, seller, or even just the Whatnot homepage! We included some examples but you can link to anything on Whatnot.

    4. Optionally, select Advanced to add Sub IDs, a Shared ID, or a Promotional Property to the link for enhanced tracking

    5. Select Create. The shareable tracking link will be available near the bottom of the widget.

    1. Item Download the mobile app.

    2. From the navigation bar at the bottom of your screen, select Create Link.

    3. In the Select Brand field (Android) / Select a brand field (iOS), [Right arrow] and choose the brand for which you want a tracking link.

    4. In the Paste a link field (Android) / Paste a link to create your unique URL field (iOS), enter any Whatnot link. This can include a category page, search result, seller, or even just the Whatnot homepage! We included some examples but you can link to anything on Whatnot.

    5. Select Create Link.

    6. To share the generated tracking link with your audience, select Share.

    7. Optionally, select Customize link to add sub IDs and a shared ID, or to create a vanity link by customizing the link path .

    8. From this screen, you can add sub IDs and a shared ID, or a create a vanity link by customizing the link path.

    9. Select Update Link → Share.


    • For the easiest way to create affiliate links while you’re on, check out’s Chrome Extension.

    • If you manage a website, you can make any existing link to Whatnot an affiliate link automatically. offers a Superior Tracking and Transformation (STAT) tag, which is a snippet of JavaScript code you can add to your website. This will automatically transform all links to Whatnot into affiliate links, and you’ll get credit for all eligible actions that come from them.

    • Learn how to integrate STAT into your website here.